There are no signs of a cease-fire in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. On Tuesday (16th), Russian President Putin stated that the Ukrainian military's counterattack has failed and the initiative is now in the hands of the Russian military. If this situation continues, the Ukrainian government will soon face a significant blow.
During a meeting with leaders of various federal governments in Russia, President Putin denied the proposed peace plan by Western countries and Ukraine. He stated that the purpose of negotiations is for Russia to give up any obtained land, which is not possible. Putin also criticized the Ukrainian government for refusing to negotiate, stating that if they had made the right decision, all problems would have been resolved by now.
Putin once again emphasized the lack of significance of the Ukrainian attacks on Russian cities. According to Putin, the Ukrainian side is simply demonstrating to the international community that they are capable of responding to Russian actions by attacking Russian civilian facilities, and at the same time proving to their supporters that they have sufficient resources to be able to purchase weapons and ammunition.
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